Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Meet Ryder
Hey Readers!
Sorry I've been absent for a bit, just ran into a brick wall called "WRITER'S BLOCK". Not fun, man. So yea, I am now writing a blog post, finally.
I've been working a bit on Project Mimicry and I thought I'd introduce you to Ryder. I'll let him introduce himself, actually.
Sure I can trust them?
I don't trust you, but since you have power, I'll go along with it. Anyways, my name is Ryder.
Is that your first or last name?
Neither and both.
That was not cryptic in the slightest.
And you say I'm sarcastic. Anyways, I am a person. I am a guy. I have an age.
Well if that wasn't vague.
Be quiet, I'm doing the talking. I'm around 18, I drive a beat up old white pick up, I have sideburns...
-He's rather proud of those-
I thought I said to be quiet. Anyway... I like kiwi birds, I live in my truck, and my diet mainly consists of fast food salads. They're the cheapest.
He just says he likes kiwi birds cause that was what he said when I asked what his favorite animal was, and now he won't drop it.
Shush. I don't have many friends, I drive around the country, I have powers of sorts.
I can mimic any sort of sound you could think of. Gunfire, voices, tornado, wind, etc. etc. I have a photographic memory and can draw better than Vincent Van Gogh.
He's awfully humble, isn't he?
I thought you said I was doing the talking! But that's all.
He's not cryptic or sarcastic in the slightest, is he? I always manage to create the snarky characters... Goodness!
I hope to be writing more often, so sorry for the long delay.
Thank you so much for sticking with my blog!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
It's Over.
It's over. O____O It's done. O____O
Twelve books. 5,400 pages over all. And now it's over. I read these characters lives, I watched their life story basically play out... I got emotionally attached and now they're gone. The book is over. Closed. Ended. Caput. Nata. Gone.
And I'm sitting on my desk in disbelief and shock.
It can't be. Not yet. What about the rest?! I don't know what happened!
It can't be.
Not yet.
At least there's The Brotherband Chronicles to read next. At least there's that.
I loved it. I loved the journey. I loved the characters. I loved this series. And I am currently horrified as to the thought that the series is over.
And this is my thoughts on the subject. I will write a longer review tomorrow, once I have recovered.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
A Toast For A Friend and a Dash of Lyrics.
"...Come on, you words
Come and take your places
Everything changes, everything changes...
...Come on, you heart
You restless child
Open up your hands
And wait here awhile..." -Helicopter by Branches
Today is an important day. Now, normally I try to write these birthday posts (I tried for each one of my family members and a couple friends) but I always end up unable to finish them or not liking the way they turned out. But today, I am determined to do one.
This one is for a friend of mine. And she's... awesome. She really is. I've known her for almost two years now, and I learn new things about her every day. So she really deserves this blog post, so I'm going to write it. And even if it's horrible, she'll know I tried.
She's becoming a teenager today. We're the same age again! She's... amazing, really, just a great person that I've had the pleasure of getting to know. She likes singing, and we both joke around about how we sing off key, and she's good at drawing.
She likes acting, and she's not scared of a camera (I don't like cameras... especially in videos. Freaks me out.) Watching her take on another persona is amazing, because she acts completely like them.
She listens to most of my ramblings with an amused look, and helps me brainstorm for my books. I am envious of her patience, sometimes, and we always seem to stick together when we're around other people. She's kinda like my older twin (which is pretty ironic, considering I'm the older one) but she keeps me out of trouble.
Well, most of the time, anyway.
And she plays play-dough with me, which is a very high quality in a person. She loves Les Mis, and I know almost all of a couple songs because she sings them so much.
She's one of those people that you don't need to be "doing" something with every five seconds. So when we hang out, we kinda just sit around and talk, and she'll get out her guitar and play the few chords she knows, and I'll get out the ukulele and play the one chord I'll know.
We joke around about how we need to start a band, cause we're like, super musically knowledged.
And yea, I'm just really blessed to have her as one of my close friends. So, a toast for you, you know who you are! *raises a glass of grape juice*
Happy Birthday.
^There's your cake :D
Friday, September 4, 2015
The First Couple Pages of Project Mimicry
Hello Readers,
Well, it's pretty self explanatory, seeing as you most likely read the title ^ (if you haven't, look up) Hope you enjoy, and please leave a comment. I would love it if you did.
Chapter One
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
No answer from the cars surrounding
him. They were quiet, and looked still, but their engines were revving and the
people in them were slowly moving to trap him.
“I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!” He
screamed at the cars again, looking around wildly for a gap in the circle that
kept closing in around him.
There were tears streaks down his face,
and more tears shining in his eyes, making the blue brighter and look more like
water. It was dark that night; the moon was hiding behind the clouds, and the
stars were few. But his red hair stood out, almost like fire, and his eyes were
shining with tears as he looked around wildly for a gap, for an escape.
There was a noise from the end of the
road, one foreign to the boy’s ears, but it seemed that these cars knew this
noise. And that they didn’t like it one bit. They stopped moving, their
attention divided between the noise and the boy.
And while their backs were turned, a
man leapt over the hood of one of the cars, snatched up the child and leaped
over the hood of another car.
“Hold onto me.” He hissed. “If you want
to live, hold on to me.”
He shakily nodded and looped his hands
so they around the man’s back and gripped the flannel, squeezing his eyes shut
and holding on with his legs. He heard a strange noise, it scared him… but he
couldn’t be scared, not after what happened last time. No. Not again. He was
not scared.
“Good kid.” The man said, his voice
gentler, but still gruff and hissed, and he took something from his pocket.
Now the child realized what the strange
noise had been… Gunfire. And the man he was holding onto now shot at where the
noise had come from. He gripped the flannel tighter, as his savior started to
run faster, stopping to catch his breath or shoot at the noise. Now there were
voices… flashing lights. But the man kept running until it was quieter.
The child dared to open his eyes, and
he saw, on an old dirt road, a beat up white pick up truck. They were closer to
it now, and the man opened the door, lifting the child off of himself and
placing him in the truck before getting in and turning the key.
He drew up his knees quietly as the man
started to drive, and then dared to ask.
“…who are you…?”
“Ryder.” Was the short, gruff reply as
he focused on the road.
“…why did you save me?” The child said
quietly, gripping his knees.
There was no answer, and he didn’t dare
to ask any more questions, but said after a while, “My name’s Lyle...”
“I know.” The man with the short brown
hair and beard whose name was Ryder said gruffly.
Lyle’s heart started beating faster,
and he was convinced that it might just come out of his chest. His eyes went
wider. No. No. He couldn’t be scared. Not after what happened last time.
He gripped his knees quietly, his
knuckles turning white with the effort as he remembered.
“It’s just a nightmare,
He looked up at his mom with huge terrified eyes, “Mom. Mom.
Mom…” He was scared out of his wits…She needed to understand. It wasn’t just a
nightmare. It was worse. He just wanted her to understand.
And then his mom started screaming. Because of him. Because
he wanted her to know how he felt. Not pass it off as “just a nightmare”. He
went too far this time…
He had done it before, so people would understand. He didn’t
know how or why it happened, just knew he could do it. He made his dad happy
one time, when he was upset. But now… his mom was scared. Like him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He said quietly, putting clothes in
his school backpack. “It won’t happen again.” He quietly crept down the stairs
and ran out into the night.
He had gone too far this time. He could hurt someone.
And then there was the cars.
dangerous…should give me to the police…” He said quietly.
The man named Ryder’s mouth seemed to
twitch into a smile for a moment. “So am I…”
Lyle shook his head. “Don’t
understand…” Lyle wanted him to understand, feel how sorry he was, but he
couldn’t. Not again. Not again. Stop it, Lyle, stop it. You have to stop letting
people know you’re smarter than the sixth graders, you have to stop making
people understand what you feel. Just stop it, Lyle. What is wrong with you? A
tear slipped down his face.
Ryder chuckled wryly and… knowingly, Lyle noticed. “Bud, you would
be surprised at how much I do.”
“You’re… like me?”
A brief nod from Ryder and his hands
clenched and unclenched the steering wheel nervously.
“…why were they after me?”
“They were hunting.”
“Hunting is when Dad goes to shoot
deer. Were they going to kill me?” His voice was oddly calm, matter of factly.
“Don’t know. Sometimes they do. They
were hunting you.”
Lyle nodded barely, hugging his knees
to his chest. “Were you hunting?” Barely a whisper.
“In a way.”
“Are you going to kill me?”
“If I wanted to kill you, I would have
left you there.” Ryder turned left on the intersection.
“So you won’t kill me?” Lyle said,
looking at Ryder with wide eyes.
Lyle fell silent, putting his backpack
on the floor of the truck and grabbing a sweatshirt with the name of some local
college off of the floor and wriggled into it. Probably Ryder’s, he thought,
but he was cold, and the sweatshirt was warm. Ryder wouldn’t mind, he told
himself, putting the hood over his face and leaning against the window.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
A New Novel
Hello Readers,
Well the other day I was looking at character inspiration and I found one I liked, and suddenly I had a wisp of a novel idea. So I wrote it down, and then brainstormed with one of my friends, and slowly my wisp turned into something tangible.
The name of the novel is Project Mimicry.
Here is the synopsis:
“What happened that night?”
A simple question… but raises strikingly different answers. Some say he ran. Some said he was chased. Some said he was hunting. Others said he was the hunted.
People said it was dark that night. Really dark. But his red hair stood out, and his eyes were shining from tears. He was just a kid, people said, others said he was more. But everyone agreed that there was a man. And there were cars. Black cars. And the man and the cars were fighting for the boy.
And the man took him.
Was the man his savior? Or his downfall?
Check the tabs for more info, there will be a page about Project Mimicry very soon. :D
Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Fall Is Coming!
Hello Readers,
It's the first day of September! Fall is almost upon us! Grab your jackets, and your rakes, cause fall is coming!
As you may have gathered, Fall is my favoritest (yes, I do not care what spellcheck says, I am using that word) season and I can not wait for it to come. Some people like the hot weather, or the cold weather, but I'm in the middle, leaning more toward the cold side as I get older.
Where I live, there are no pretty red leaves like the one above ^. But this year, we're going to be in America for the fall and some of the winter season! Which will be pretty doggone awesome. Don't get me wrong, I love my home, but I haven't seen my grandparents and most of my cousins for almost two years. I miss them like crazy, man. And I'll get to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with them :D
It's the first day of September! Fall is almost upon us! Grab your jackets, and your rakes, cause fall is coming!
As you may have gathered, Fall is my favoritest (yes, I do not care what spellcheck says, I am using that word) season and I can not wait for it to come. Some people like the hot weather, or the cold weather, but I'm in the middle, leaning more toward the cold side as I get older.

When I was younger, all of my siblings and whatever cousins happened to be at my grandparent's house would go outside and look for cicadas and cicada shells, and I remember my brother and Nathanael (one of my cousins ^-^) would always try to put them on my shoulder or something to freak me out. Clever little buggers. And we'd play around with the empty cicada shells too, I remember we had a huge pile of them that we hid in the pebbles that my grandparent's had instead of mulch (I think they have mulch now, but I don't remember exactly...)
And we'd rake about half the yard before getting bored and just jumping in the leaves... Haha, I remember Grampa always would rake the rest of the yard after we got bored, though I do think he made us finish the job a couple times.
Good times, good memories, in the Fall...
What are your favorite memories from this upcoming season?
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