Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Blogging Award!

Hey Readers,

Hope Oakenshield over at Stitches Of Freedom nominated me for the... Drum Roll Please... 

*confetti and ribbons go everywhere*

Best Blogging Buddy Award! 

So, here are the rules.... 

Numero Uno: Show award on blog.
Numero Dos: Tag the person who nominated you.
Numero Tres: Nominate best buds and ask them fifteen questions.
 Numero Cuatro: Answer the questions.

Here are Hope's questions and my answers:

1. What is one of your favorite books?

My favorite book, hmm... Probably The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien.

2. What is your favorite TV show?

Sherlock! Or Lark Rise to Candleford by BBC, those two are awesome. Seriously, love them.

3. What is your idea of the perfect day?

Any day on which I get a lot of writing done and school done around lunchtime is a good day. But a perfect day... well, a day on which I finish a novel, those are the best days. 

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Hmmm, I think it would be to go back to China, so I could see where I spent most of my early childhood again. That would be awesome. 

5. What is the last song you listened  to?

The last song I listened to... I forget, but a recent one today was "Difference Maker" by NeedtoBreathe.

6. Do you keep a journal or diary?

I've tried, many times, but I keep forgetting, so no, not really. 

7. What is one genre of story you have always wanted to write?

Probably dystopian, I like that genre a lot, and have always wanted to write a whole novel in it.

8. What kind of house is your dream house?

A library. In London. Sounds like heaven on earth, right? 

9. What is one somewhat weird thing on your bucket list?

I don't have a bucket list, but if I did, the weirdest thing on there would probably be... I honestly have no clue... Sorry... O.o

10. What is the last book you read?
Twice Upon the End by James Riley. Highly recommend it, 9 outta 10! 

11. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmmm, one song? For the rest of my life? I think I'd listen to "In the Night" by Andrew Peterson, the lyrics are so amazing. 

12. What is your favorite flower?

My favorite flower is probably a white orchid, they're so beautiful. 

13. If you could play any instrument, what would you play?

The violin. I love the sound of it.

14. Would you rather ride a horse or ride in a carriage?

A carriage, cause I don't know how to ride a horse right. 

15. What is one of your favorite books?

I think that was also question one, but I really liked Storm by Evan Angler. 

I hereby nominate.... LIZZIE AND VIRGINIA RISE FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE BLOGS! Virginia's Blog Lizzie's Blog

And here are my questions... Brace yourselves!


1. What is something you've never told anyone?

2. When did you lose your first tooth?

3. Favorite childhood story?

4. What is a "little kid show" that you secretly enjoy?

5. Favorite fandom?

6. How many pets have you had and what are/is their names? 

7. If you could fly or become invisible which would you choose?

8. Have you ever swallowed a fly? 

9. What is something weird that scares you?

10. If you had to either run a marathon in the mud or jump out of a plane (with a parachute) which one would you choose?

11. Favorite kind of candy? 

12. If you could only read something from one author for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

13. Where is your favorite pizza place? 

14. Do you like chocolate?

15. Which scares you more, snakes or spiders? 

(BONUS QUESTION) 16. Will you take the Ring to Mordor?


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Buongiorno (Or, Good Morning in Italian)

            Greetings, readers, from the wonderful country of Italy! I've been here for almost a week now, about five days, if I counted right... It's been so cool walking around here; there's just an aura of history and richness that flows out from everything around me.


      Walking down a street like that, it feels like a step out of time; I'm walking where the great artists and musicians and sculptors walked. I'm walking down a road where history was made. And that's... mind blowing. I'm walking with the great ones of old now. 


    I really love looking out at the people down in the street and looking out at the roofs. It's so beautiful and amazing to look at people and wonder what their lives look like, what they believe, how they feel about life. 

        Sometimes I like to sit and watch the cars from the windows, and if I'm low enough to the ground, or there's a wide sill I sit there and wave at the people who look at me. I wonder what they think of me, the little girl in the window, are they surprised? Did I make their day better with a smile and a wave? Did I matter or did they forget me before they even got home? 

     I'm that little girl in the window, and to everyone who noticed I was there, God Bless You. 


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Musings on Friendship

For me, a friend, a real, genuine, friend is... well, a lot of things. To me, a friend is the person who I can text at any hour of the day or night and they won't care. To me, a friend is that person who tries their best to relate to me, even when it's near impossible. To me, a friend cares about the things I love, even if they don't do it themselves.

    A friend is someone I would let see me cry. A friend is someone that I can rant to about things and they'll just listen, or rant with me. A friend, now we're talking about the real breed of friends, not the ones when you see them in the street and wave, but the ones that when you see them, you run up to them and begin a conversation.

     Those friends, are the ones who have seen you at your best, and your worst, and they didn't look away, didn't take a step back. They are the ones who saw you when you were at the end of your rope and offered their hand instead. And those people are few and far between, but when you find them... it's hard to lose them.

    They are the ones that fuel our passion for the things we love, they are the ones who encourage us in all good things. They are the ones who walk beside us on the path of Life and when we mess up and fall flat on our faces in the mire, they hoist us up and dust us off. They are the ones who love us even when we do horrible things, they are the ones who tell us we can still come back home.

  They are the ones that know how to push our buttons, how to unravel us but they don't. They don't. They hold the keys to our heart, the keys to our secrets, our emotions, and they wear them on a golden chain around their neck, keeping them safe from harm.

       Friends like that can not be bought, nor can they be described completely, but they are found. But my friends only stay my friends for so long, because if they remain after that, then they become my family. My brothers, my sisters, my mentors, my followers. Friendship is the first step down a long journey, and I'm excited to see where mine takes me. Are you ready for yours?




Friday, June 5, 2015

Meeting Kao!

Guys... Meet Kao:D Kao is my MC (main character) in Realms Unseen and he's my absolute favorite, don't tell Tristan a really fun character to work with and to write. A friend of mine drew him, as seen above, for my birthday! Which of course, made me super ecstatic, because wow, that is an amazing drawing, you don't get stuff like that everyday. 

     I've told you all a little bit about him, but here's a refresher. Kao is about 14 by our standards, and he's a hotheaded poet. He's about three feet tall, and has red hair down to the ground. He's compassionate and can't stand people being hurt, but he's a good fighter and knows when to use a dagger. His favorite color is blue, and he likes the smell of pine trees. He can normally be found climbing up random objects or playing pranks on people. I thought I'd have a little Q&A time with him:

Me: So, Kao, how did this whole journey begin?

Well, I think it all started when I ran away. I met Tristan after that, and then Nessa, and we traveled around the realms. Fun times, fun times. 

Me: What is your opinion on Earth culture? 

    I do not know what this "culture" is, but I must say, the food here is splendid. I am quite enjoying the food called "hamburger" and the beverage called "soda". 

Me: I also enjoy those things. What do you like to do in your spare time, Kao?

When I'm not being chased by bad guys, running for my life, or playing politics I can generally be found climbing up trees or singing.

Me: You can sing?

 Yes, I can. Can you?

Me: Honestly, I don't know, kid. 

 Okay, well, do you have any other pointless questions for me to answer?

Me: No. 

 Good, I shall be on my way! 

That has been Q&A time with Rubix, tune in next time to hear Tristan say... "What the 'eck am I doing 'ere?" 

That's all Folks!

(Since my questions were slightly lame, Kao has agreed to answer your questions if you leave them in the comments below! Thank you!) 


Wifi Issues and a Poem

    Well, the wifi went out for a whole week. It's gone out for a couple days before, but never this long. It's weirdness. Complete and utter weirdness. We had to complain three times and then it just randomly turned on today. O.o

     So, I thought I'd post a poem I wrote a while ago, and I liked it, so maybe you will!

"Don’t listen to it! Step away before it’s too late!
Late nights, tons of caffeine, pens and writing machines.
You don’t want to be sucked into an author’s fate
Beware innocent reader, before its eyes start to gleam

If it catches you with the lure of plot bunnies
Don’t look it in the eyes, the floor is safer
Don’t do it for the popularity or for the money
Promise me you’ll stay strong and not waver.

It would be better if you only just kept reading
But if you have a pen and notebook, an idea in your mind
And you fall victim to inspiration, and don’t heed me
Then you’re an author too, and tales you must wind.

You have joined the ranks of poets, authors, and story crooks
Beware, it’s dangerous, leave your plots by the door
We have plenty of coffee and tea and books
There’s chaos and half ideas and characters galore.

You, innocent reader, have joined the storytellers
That is what you get for not listening, you crook.
I wish you luck on your endeavor

Of writing your very first book."

Also, I have completed the first two chapters of Realms Unseen! Which is about 22 pages. I am extremely, extremely happy about that. 

Till Next Time!