Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ramblings about The Village and Life Updates

Hello Readers,

      So, most of you are probably back to school, and if you aren't you're most likely about ready to take the plunge into the school year. Good luck to you, my fellow soldiers! Good luck to you!

Life Updates:

-Currently stuck on a part in my book... heh... -_____-
-Been listening to the "Oh Hello's" recently, really good band ^-^ Love them.
-Also, got the Menagerie series by Tui and Kari Sutherland (love how they're sisters and writing together :D makes me happy:) ) And I really enjoyed it... which I wasn't expecting! 
-Almost done with Algebra 1! Thank goodness! Will be starting Biology soon... And I'm going to have to dissect a frog... *insert terrified face here*

       I recently watched this movie ---> The Village by M. Night Shyamalan (no, I have no idea how to pronounce this) and my mind was just... blown.

      As an author, I adore plot twists and I hate figuring out plots in the first fifteen minutes. Sadly, this normally happens.

      Not so in this movie. Not so. It was... mind blowing. Mind. Blowing.

     So please, proceed with caution, because this movie will be forever ruined if you read ahead.

        The Village starts out in a small normal village in the late 18th century. Looks normal. I thought it was going to be something like "Oh... someone in the village turns bad and murders someone and they have to figure it out. Boring. Figured it out all ready." WRONG. 

      Turns out, there's these things, "The Things We Do Not Speak Of" that are going around and killing the animals, then skinning them and leaving them as a sign or something. Ok... Creepy... But probably a coyote or something, because I mean, honestly, really? The Things We Do Not Speak Of? Really?

        And then you see one. It wears a red cloak, and starts walking around the village, putting a red stripe on the doors while everyone scrambles and runs for safety. So then, I assumed "Okay, so they're going to have to exterminate these animals. Plot figured out:D" WRONG. 

       So, there's this whole complicated love story in there, but the main character, Lucius basically proposes to Ivy (and it's a beautiful scene, I loved it ^-^). But the thing is, there's this mentally disabled guy (I really liked him though:/ so this scene made me so mad -___-)  and he also loves Ivy, and so he goes over to Lucius's hut and stabs him, wounding him pretty badly:/

         Ivy then asks permission to go into the woods so she can get medicine from the towns to help him. So I then was like "Okay, this is going to be your typical Halmark movie... Girl gets medicine, girl saves guy, girl and guy get married." WRONG. 

       So her father, who is one of the elders takes her to this shed, that no one is supposed to go into and tells her to walk forward... And please, try not to scream. So she does, and then she touches something that makes her flip out. She doesn't scream, kudos to her!

       But, I do believe I've said enough. You should watch it, if you are allowed, but if you aren't 13 or older I wouldn't recommend it... Or for the adults who read my blog, I think you would enjoy it.

Anyways, fare thee well until next time!



  1. Interesting thoughts... I thought it was surprising, yes, but by halfway through the movie you know what you shouldn't know until the climax. Or, at least, it would make it way better if you didn't know the Elders were the "Things We Do Not Speak Of" until the end.

    1. And the author takes a moment to clarify that no, that was not me making that comment... I signed in on my gmail account on a friend's computer and they forgot to sign out... XD
      ~Rubix (THE REAL ONE ;P)

  2. Hey Ruby, I just found your blog. I know this is an older post of yours, but I love pressing in on the different themes and qualities of movies.

    If you like Shyamalan's style (pronounced Sha-ma-lan, by the way), you would love 'Lady in the Water'. I'm not a fan of all his work, but this is definitely a good one. It would speak to you particularly, I think, because it depicts an epic adventure within a very mundane, ordinary setting (a run-down apartment complex). It offers some rich symbolism, plays with the elements of story, and explores a character embracing his identity/role in a larger plan.

    Give it a go when you have the chance.
