Wednesday, July 29, 2015


             I did Camp NaNoWriMo in July as well, and this time I aimed for 10k! I ended up getting 10,029 words today, finishing it. First time I did this and finished! I finiiishhheedddd! I am victorious!

       It was a lot of fun, second drafting Realms Unseen. I am about... 52 pages in now, and hoping to get 200! That is my goal, and I hope to reach it. By Christmas of 2015, but I have no idea if that will happen... All depends on if Writer's Block is merciful and I continue to have more ideas with the second draft.

     My villains just came in the story, actually, and if you guys would like, I'll do a blog post introducing them! They're pretty hilarious and awesome, well, as awesome as evil gets. Anyway, will do a longer blog post later, but right now I'm going to go celebrate my victory by dancing around in my room!

Till next time,
