Thursday, June 25, 2015

Buongiorno (Or, Good Morning in Italian)

            Greetings, readers, from the wonderful country of Italy! I've been here for almost a week now, about five days, if I counted right... It's been so cool walking around here; there's just an aura of history and richness that flows out from everything around me.


      Walking down a street like that, it feels like a step out of time; I'm walking where the great artists and musicians and sculptors walked. I'm walking down a road where history was made. And that's... mind blowing. I'm walking with the great ones of old now. 


    I really love looking out at the people down in the street and looking out at the roofs. It's so beautiful and amazing to look at people and wonder what their lives look like, what they believe, how they feel about life. 

        Sometimes I like to sit and watch the cars from the windows, and if I'm low enough to the ground, or there's a wide sill I sit there and wave at the people who look at me. I wonder what they think of me, the little girl in the window, are they surprised? Did I make their day better with a smile and a wave? Did I matter or did they forget me before they even got home? 

     I'm that little girl in the window, and to everyone who noticed I was there, God Bless You. 


1 comment:

  1. My guess is that you were noticed, not forgotten and definitely a blessing. Love you ~Aunt Jules
